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Wednesday 19 February 2025

Vote in the AIM Cesspit awards 2013



Vote now in the 2013 AIM Cesspit awards.

The trophies will be handed out on June 24th at a special dinner hosted by Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers which will also raise funds for the campaign to fight Sefton Resources as it attempts to stop its activities being exposed by using bully boy lawyers.

You can book your seat here.

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By — Saturday 19 April 2014

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It is still just over a year until the 2015 UK Investor Show but following the smash success of the sell-out 2014 show, the UK's leading investor show is already able to announce the first 21 speakers who have agreed to appear in 2015!

They are: Nigel Wray, Evil Knievil, myself (Tom Winnifrith), Clem Chambers, Vin Murria, Ben Edelman, Paul Scott, Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, Robert Sutherland Smith, Cathal Friel, Andrew Bell, Marcus Hanke, Amanda Van Dyke, Matt Earl, Thierry Laduguie and..

NEW For 2015: Charlotte Argyle, Ben Turney, Jason Drummond, Cassandra Harris and BrokerMan Daniel

Some failing shows manage only a handful of speakers but UK Investor Show delivers both changes each year AND the big names. Over the coming weeks we will announce more big name speakers as we plan an increased number of sessions as we take on more floor space. Brace yourself for a 50 speaker show!

And there will also be 110 stands for PLCs to exhibit and present from. Already we are almost 20% booked out and we will start announcing those exhibiting very soon.

There are two classes of tickets:

A Golden Ticket guarantees you a front three row seat in any of the days 110 sessions plus a pass to the after show party with CEOs, speakers and journalists. It costs £60 (inc VAT)

An Investor class ticket gains access to any session at the show and costs £12 including VAT.

BUT you can buy either type of ticket with a 50% early bird discount if you book NOW. You can buy your early bird tickets HERE

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This area of the site is for independent financial commentary. These blogs are provided by independent authors via a common carrier platform and do not represent the opinions of does not monitor, approve, endorse or exert editorial control over these articles and does not therefore accept responsibility for or make any warranties in connection with or recommend that you or any third party rely on such information. The information available at is for your general information and use and is not intended to address your particular requirements. In particular, the information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making (or refraining from making) any investment decisions.